
This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  DaiCro 13 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #107187


    Thank you Ellen.

    I am sure that this section will become an invaluable asset for the forum. I am also sure that it will take a little time to settle and find its feet.

    Perhaps there could be a thread for 'stickies' – similar to the web team's advices in the 'Newcomers' section. These 'stickies'… permanent articles… could be volunteered by the users. i.e. If someone posts an advice about post death banking arrangements for instance and it finds approval by the users then it could be moved into the 'Advices' sticky (Possibly with a gentle edit).

    If they have similar themes, with clear titles, (perhaps with a short introduction as to the content) then they could be listed under the same sticky. i.e. Banking & Insurance – Hospices – Who Do I need To Inform? ? Funeral Arrangements – etc.

    Along the similar path of 'Frequently Asked Questions' or FAQ's these general advices could be stored as ?Stickies? and referred to by forum members as well as being a resource where we can direct newcomers.

    Perhaps there could be an index at the start of the sticky (or whatever else we choose to call them) with the title of the advice and its number for reference purposes – allowing the used to scroll down to the article number and read from there.. If any particular advice or series of advices ('End Of Life Procedures' for instance) grew rather large then perhaps it could generate its own sticky.

    This would leave the rest of the section for general questions, advices, queries etc.

    These suggestions are meant to be 'food for thought' only at this stage… and not intended to be prescriptive. I am sure that there will be many excellent suchlike suggestions… especially from those who have been through the different experiences that end of life procedures and after-care experiences produce.

    This section will obviously be needed to have a greater level of tolerance, understanding, sympathy and empathy than most of the other sections and I hope that we can make it a section to be proud of.


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