Sue M's Transplant

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi – this is Eva posting on behalf of Sue M. who is in hospital. She wanted me to pass a message on to you all that her transplant has begun.
    Sue is also requesting that Tom post on Facebook that 'Sue has had her nasty medecine today and is fine. She doesn't have internet at the moment but will get it later.' And if Tom can include in the post a message to Jan – 'that Sue is in Russell's Hall Hospital in Dudley, in the isolation ward. Her daughter who also reads Facebook is fine.'

    Also Sue says thanks for the advice and support – she has purchased some Ciopel cream and also has the Loperamide ready.

    I've spoken to Sue and she's in good spirits.



    Hi Eva

    Thank You for this, and I have posted it on Sue's Page so her contacts can see it.

    When you next talk to Sue give her My Best and a Little hug from us all.

    Thank You again Eva

    Tom xxx



    Thank you so much Eva for letting us know.

    Could you send her lots and lots of love and best wishes and let her know we shall be thinking of her over the next couple of weeks and sending cybernet "hugs". Hope all goes well as possible

    Love Carol xxxx

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