Sugar. Reducing Sugar could reduce PP level

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    Hi there, I was diagnosed with MM 6 years ago. Have been through CDT, Stem Cell Transplant, CRD, VRD. I have been in good remission for most of this time. Each time my PP levels rise over about 15 I either increase my drug dosage or start a new drug like Velcade. Then it comes down and stabilises around 8-10. It doesn’t tent to move very fast.

    Last year my PP started rising again and we were going to increase my velcade dosage. But instead of doing this, I decided to give up Sugar. I have read a lot about the effects of Sugar on cancer and its not good. For 2 months I gave up all refined sugar (Cake, chocolate, sweets, sugar etc etc) but used Honey, Fruit & dates/raisins instead. Incredibly my PP dropped from around 10 to 7. I carried on for another 2 months and waited for my next blood test to make sure it wasn’t just luck but it dropped a small amount again to 6.7. I know my disease well and am usually very stable and I am 100% sure that this change is purely due to my new diet. Its incredible as it is free and after 2 weeks I really didn’t miss it. Since then I have read a lot about Sugar and Cancer and although it seems no link is proven there are many clever people who know what they are talking about who think there is a link. And guess what, there is a drug called Metformin which is mainly used for diabetics to control / reduce their blood sugar level and it has been shown to reduce Myeloma activity. So this drug is doing what I have done just by taking refined Sugar out of my diet.

    Has anyone else made a similar discovery ?




    Hi Reescj1

    I found your post rather interesting. Do you know if unrefined sugar is ok to have ? I only ever have the golden unrefined sugar.




    Hi Folks

    Just to give you a perspective, things like dried fruits have a lot of concentrated sugar, more than fresh fruits. Any high starch /carbohydrate containing foods (e.g. bread / rice), not just the sweet things we consider with added sugar, are reduced down into sugars in the body. Only if you eat a high protein / fat diet with say steamed vegetables low in starch (not carrots / potatoes) would your carbohydrate intake be low to to count as low sugar.

    So sugar in out diet comes from many sources. Just read label packets to see this.

    People whose sugar intake is controlled not only do not eat the ‘sweet’ things, but are more likely to not add sugar to anything where possible. Refined or unrefined is the same!

    Eat a well balanced diet- ask to see a dietician if you need advice. Happy eating.






    Hi Susie

    Unrefined or Raw cane sugar still has nutrients and minerals in it so it is better than refined sugar as the refining process removes these nutrients and minerals.

    However I have given up all forms of refined and unrefined sugars and it has shown a significant drop in my paraprotein levels. I still eat fruit and also honey, both of which contain sugar – but in a slightly different form so I still consume glucose / fructose by eating fruit nd honey. There is so much written about sugar and of course so many things contain sugar (wine, bread, most processed food, ready-meals etc etc etc) so it isn’t always easy to work out what’s what but I have given up all the obvious sources of refined sugar (sweets and candy, chocolate, cakes, cereal with sugar and I never put refined or unrefined sugar in anything I eat). I guess this will have cut down my overall intake of glucose / fructose quite significantly.




    I’ve also read quite a lot of information about cancer loving refined sugar. I think you are absolutely correct to see whether reducing refined sugar from your diet can reduce your myeloma levels. I hope your myeloma continues to show improvement.

    Have you had a chance to read the interesting discussion on the forum section of the Myeloma Beacon site about not only reducing refined sugar intake, but also reducing protein intake? There’s a link under Ketogenic diet together with other discussions on sugar intake levels.

    With my light chain levels rising, I’m trying to not only increase my fluid intake, as well as reduce my sugar intake, which is hard when I bake cakes for the family and can’t eat them.

    Regards Jan



    good to hear that sugar cane got some nutrients inside it,I almost came to the conclusion that raw sugar would do better than it…s.c doesn’t suit my internal system

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