Sugar Sugar

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  KeithH17 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Just a quick post to you all after my latest hospital visit. My PP's have now dropped down to 1.2 which is great but my blood sugar is now at 1.5 which has been put down to the high levels of Dex I am taking. I am now being put in the hands of the diabetic clinic in order to write up a diet to get it back under control.For the past week I have been very thirsty and tired so they did a blood sugar test to find out what was happening and that was the outcome. Has anyone else had this side effect from high Dex dosage as I seem to remember reading something about it previous?





    Hi Keith
    Oh dear, you are going from situation to situation, but good news with the pps being down again.
    Sadly high dose dex can cause diabetes and it is just another thing to add to the list of its awful side effects, but it's working on the pps so it's a balance of risks. You will have to ask if it's permanent, and what can they do to stop diabetes effects, I'm afraid I can't remember, maybe someone else is more familiar with it.
    Love Helen



    Hi Keith,

    High doses of steroids do cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels as they affect the adrenal function. I know a bit about it as my son has no pituitary gland so has to take a whole range of replacement hormones, one of them is hydrocortisone (a steriod) which replicates the action of cortisol (from the adrenal gland) and so controls the levels of blood sugar. I think what you are suffering is called steriod diabetes as a side effect of the dex but it would probably improve when you stop the dex. I am sure the dietician will tell you how to help it with diet.

    Take care,




    I've just had a phone call from the hospital saying that my sugar has gone from 13.5- 20.5 in one week.
    Consultant has said it must not go any higher than 30 and I'm waiting for the dietician to get in touch with me.
    Heard nothing as yet but if still no word by tomorrow then I have to let the hospital know so they can give the dietician a kick as they tell me it's urgent to get on top of it.

    Thank you Helen and Jill for your prompt replies and I'll let you know when I know more myself.


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