surgery resulting from MM

This topic contains 33 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  keen 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Thanks Tom, isn't it nice that Spring is just around the corner? It makes so much difference when the ole sun is shining, as it is here today, especially when you are stuck in a chair for hours on end. The pleasure then comes from a sunny day looking out over the garden and the thought of better days to come. Love Sylvia



    Hi Sylvia you sound like such a positive person that I am sure it wont be long before you turn the corner . I take mst morphine, which is slow release over 12 hours, twice a day and I have found it very good .I believe it is used for a ot of myeloma patients with bone damage Perhaps it might be worth discussing with your doctor ( apologies if you were already aware of it)Well I had better get cracking on the sunday roast I hope you are having a good weekend love Bridget



    Thanks Bridget I may well ask. I remember the surgeon talking about pain relief patches.Your saying 'going to do the Sunday roast' cheered me up. A couple of weeks ago I did good old Spag Bol, the first meal I had cooked for a year. My poor long-suffering husband has had to do everything, cooking, shopping, cleaning,washing and ironing and has been absolutely marvellous. I am gradually trying new things, hoping to get behind the wheel again soon as that would make a lot of difference, to both of us.We are certainly going out more–lunches Afternoon Teas and even Breakfasts and a couple of Sundays ago had a trip on the Thames,lunch with a live Jazz Band.I have found these little treats have helped me cope, well both of us really. We have booked a mini cruise end of April to Ireland and a 2 week one to the Baltic in the Summer which we had booked for last year but had to cancel.I am so hoping I am mobile enough to cope.My biggest worry now is regaining control of the kitchen!! Love Sylvia



    Hi Sylvia I can understand how frustrated you must feel , as lovely as it is to be looked after , there is nothing like being able to do even mundane tasks yourself again Fingers crossed it wont be long . Mind you the bonus of going out more must be a nice break for you both and the cruises sound wonderful , I have a friend who is going on a baltic cruise very soon too , you will have to post some of your holiday pics for us to see love Bridget x



    Thanks Bridget, as we speak we are getting ready for another little treat, combining an overnight stay with a visit to my husband's sister.I am embarrassed to admit I have yet to try including photos but I will give it a go.Keep well. Sylvia x



    Gaye I know you have posted something for me but I can't find it. How stupid am I? I thought the thread would just continue. I've checked my name and yours. Any ideas? Sylvia



    Your More than Welcome Sylvia, and I also am waiting to have some proper sun on the back of my fat neck 😀

    Not be long before we can all sit outside 🙂

    Love Tom xx



    Dear Sylvia – All the postings I made to you are on here so I am not sure why haven't been able to access them. I wish I could help you. How is your treatment going. Would be interested to hear. I am having radiotherapy on my back pain next week and now in my second cycle of Pomalidomide.

    Good luck Sylvia.
    Gaye xx



    Hi Gaye, I have still not been able to find the post you made. I don't know if it will be on your thread or mine. I may get more joy when I get to the PC upstairs rather than my laptop as that is where I first read the email notifying me as to your posting. We shall see. Meanwhile I am happy to bring you, and all our friends out there, upto speed altho' I have to say I am feeling somewhat guilty as things seem to be going so well for me and I know it is not the same for many of you. I went to the Centre for my 3rd injection yesterday and before I had it was told my p.protein was down from22 to 10 and that after only 2 jabs! I am the speediest star in the West! I am constantly reminded of how fast was my first course of treatment, from 55 to 2 after 3 cycles altho' they did give me the 4th cycle and I am sure I don't know what they will do this time. I am also unbelievably lucky I don't get any side effects ( sorry!)so I am feeling really well it is hard to believe I have this disease. ( just my back stopping me from leading a normal life).You can see why I am feeling for all of you. How are you doing Gaye and what about your Velcade Kevin? For what it is worth I do believe I am very lucky with my team. We are sure the one jab a week, subC is the way to go both withspeed of result and lack of effects, especially the dreaded Neuropathy.I would say to anyone out there who gets the chance, definitely discuss it with your teams and please God you get some great results too.Please keep in touch and I hope our Newbies are benefitting from all the support too. Love Sylvia



    Dear Sylvia,
    A quick question. I was interested that your onc will give you Velcade via injection. Which part of the UK are you in?
    I'm interested in subcataneous delivery of velcade because whenever I've had a cannula put in it has always been very painful. The pain has persisted for the entire time I've had the cannula in.
    Best wishes,



    Dear Tom

    I was with some friends yesterday and we placed bets on when we can use the sun lounge again before venturing into the garden. My date is April 15. No particlar reason. What about you Tom?
    Love, Gaye xx



    Hi Gaye

    April 15th MMmm Interesting

    I think it could be today 😀 well we dont need the sun 😎 do we? we just need to be a wee bit daft he he.

    Photo to follow ha ha.

    Weekend nearly over and a new week ready to kick off, hope you all had a great w/end and are looking forward to the new week 🙂

    Have a Good Un

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Eva, I am in London and attend the Medical Day Centre at Whipps Cross Hospital in Leytonstone, East London. I have to say the care I get there is terrific. The injection goes into my tummy in seconds, painless, but I have to have a one hour saline drip to hydrate me beforehand and that goes in via a cannula.It can hurt but I always get a huge bruise which can be tender. I guess there is no way round that. Anyway I hope you can get the treatment as painfree as poss. Look forward to an update and good luck. Sylvia



    Hi Tom, I think 15th April seems a bit optimistic but then we are aren't we? feel more like May so I will go for 1st May.Of things positive I have a 2 day break in Wokingham to come ( Chrissie pres to my fantastic hubby) so some sunshine would be nice then. Also 4 night mini-cruise to Cork in Ireland end of April so let's hope Gaye is right about 15th! As long as it is not wet and dismal that will do me. Love to you both. Sylvia x



    Hi Sylvia
    And That we are (optimistic that is he he) me I dont think April is too far out? so the crossing to Cork should be OK

    I used to hate the heat and sun and love the wind rain and snow But since getting MM you could throw me all the sunshine that you can because I defiantly feel the cold these days8-) so the sooner the better and hope it last at least as long as this bloomin winter :-S

    Have a good un next week and wish you all Well 😀

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx

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