
This topic contains 18 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Carolsymons 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #111507


    Hi Tom
    It almost self referral all you have to do is to sign an agreement form for the Centre.
    I better explain the MS HBO centres are all independent charities who receive no funding so all monies have to be raised throughout the year so some if they have capacity do offer HBO treatment other than MS. I can only speak of the one we have in Exeter who have 2 tanks so at present capacity is ok, costings would be individual to the local Centre as they are all indenpendant.
    Clearly the costs are kept to a minimum for MS patients but its not to extreme for others when the general procedure here is you normally start with a batch of 15 sessions close together then after that its up to you whether its once a week or whatever you feel the 15 are a fixed price but not at the single rate which the last time I asked was about £11 thats for an hours session but as I say I can only speak for this one they do have a web site so you might glean some more information….

    I know some of the private hbo centres can be extremely expensive I know one locally that charges over £100 a session. If you would like to tell me the nearest Town to where you live I can try to find out where the nearest MS HBO centre is to you when I go in again on Friday but as I said they all work independently



    Thanks Peter, there’s one just up the road from me in Harrow, walking distance.
    I’ll drop them a line.




    I was very interested to read about oxygen therapy. I live in Purley and the nearest MS centre that has an oxygen tank is Guildford. They have offered to try to fit me in but at £30 a session so I won’t be doing it every week at that price. Still, I will give it a go and see how I get on. Anything to stay in remission has to be tried!!!

    All the best





    Harrow is the closest centre to me too -but not within walking distance. Were you able to get any information from them?


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