I currently have swelling of both abdomen and legs/feet. I was on the RCD trial, but after various problems – latterly, a massive drop in sodium levels – corrected by 4 days of saline drips and virtually no liquids by mouth (eating normal meals was fine), the Relivmid was dropped for the 4th cycle. The abdomen is uncomfortable, especially after pulling a rib muscle three days ago, and as I am in the middle of the Dexamethosone, the usual fatigue is setting in. The abdominal swelling resulted in a liver biopsy (My LFT readings have been high throughout), revealing scerosis, but not establishing whether the chemo was the sole cause. The sodium drop also led to my Water tablets (Spironolactone) being stopped, but they have just been restarted on half dose (50mg a day). I would say my abdomen is "full term pregnancy" levels, but last time the Water tablets did start working within a week or so. They also worked on swollen ankles and feet, but this time, my swelling has extended to the right thigh and calves.
Is Frank on Water Tablets? Also, has draining the Abdomen been discussed?
I'm due back in the liver clinic at Manchester Royal on Tuesday to discuss options for the abdomen, but I can't see a draining of the abdomen helping my legs!