Swollen legs and under skin wounds with rash

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  brocho 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    Can anyone shed any light on this…my mum has had myeloma for 4.5 years – up and till now coping very well (mum is 82) – lately deteriated – chemo didnt help and eneded up in hospital for 4 weeks to see if tehy could get meds right – have just put her on thalidomide and darbapoetin which i do wonder if it will control- but within the last 2 days her legs have came out in sores and rashs – her legs have been swollen for weeks but this rash is new – I think it may be kidneys but doc says its due to an allergic reaction to medication – has anyone else experienced this – sometimes question what im being told and worry the best isnt been done for mum.



    Hi Madcat?? Sorry to hear your mum is having problems Its a bit hard to comment really though as the doctors have all the relevant facts Can I suggest you ring the helpline on here they all have medical background and you would be able to tell them everything I have swollen ankles due to water retention but no rash In my case the steroids seem to bring it on Good luck and please tell us your name seemed rude calling you madcat best wishes Bridget



    Hi Bridget..thank you for your reply – my name is Shona – madcat is a name my hubby uses and it stuck! I wonder why 🙂 will phone line tomorrow cant help but worry about mum got very frail very quick – I do wonder is its the myeloma or the pills docs are feeding her.



    Hi Shona I think the helpline will be able to put your mind at rest There is often a time when treatment leaves you feeling very poorly but it does get better If mums not eating much try smalll portions of anything she fancies as her taste may be off too Look forward to hearing from you soon love Bridget ps I like madcat just seems rude for ,me to call you it

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