Tanning treatments

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Harmony 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi All,

    I hope that no one takes offense at this post as it is not intended to offend anyone,  I am wanting advice

    My mother has recently been diagnoised with Myeloma has has started her treatment today,  she has always been a well woman and takes pride in her appearance.  What makes her feel better is knowing that she looks well and because of this she uses sunbeds just once a week.

    She has started CTD chemotherapy and Zoledronic acid treatment and is wondering if she can still use the sunbed, once a week max or is she better using fake tan.

    Like I said I do not mean to cause offense or upset anyone just looking for adivce



    When I was on CTD, my specialist told me that my skin would be extra sensitive to sunlight and that I should protect myself.
    I don’t think applying fake tan would be a good idea either owing to the chemicals in it. I say this because I was also told not to colour my hair because of the chemicals in the dye.

    Once the chemo’s out of the system, it’s a different matter.



    I think it’s the steroids that cause the sensitivity to sunlight. I would err on the side of caution and avoid any unnecessary chemicals whilst on treatment. Absolutely nothing wrong in your mum still wanting to look her best. One thing though, since being in remission and having various treatments at beauty salons, I’ve had some problems when completing a new client health questionnaire. As soon as they know you have cancer, they don’t want to carry out certain treatments until they have a letter from a doctor stating it is safe to do so. It’s all to do with their insurance. I felt embarrassed and frivolous asking my male 50+ doctor for such a letter. However, he was very sweet and said something to the effect that it’s important to do those things that make you feel good psychologically and was very happy to write such a letter.



    As a black woman, I’m probably not best qualified to advised but friends tell me that there are good tinted moisturisers out there- could be a safer option?
    I find that I always look hearty and well because of my colouring which means that I get little sympathy when I feel rotten! (LOl)

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