Testing for MM

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  mel_venus 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hello all,

    Yesterday I attended hospital for an appointment with a MM Consultant.  He told me that a recent blood test had shown some protein that could be a sign of MM.

    After an examination and chat he said he didn’t think I had MM but wanted to carry out tests to make sure.  This would include full body x rays and a Bone Marrow test.

    Obviously I am worried that I might have this rare form of Cancer, but atm more worried about the Bone Marrow Test to come in two weeks time.  I have heard horror stories about the pain they cause, and am really quite scared as I suffer from anxiety anyway, and am on medication for it.  I wonder if they will give me a sedative, as I heard this is not the norm, but do in some cases.

    I hope you don’t mind me posting here as I am not diagnosed at the moment, but just need some answers.  Thank you.





    Hi mel.

    I was diagnosed with mm last october, then had my bone marrow biopsy to see whatwhat was goin on…I was given a seditive through a libe in my hand and I was out like a light 🙂 best 10 mins sleep I had had in a long time..woke up a little drowsy but no problem half hour later…dont worry they will give you a sedative if you ask.

    Take care




    Hi Mel

    Welcome to a very good forum. You will find lots of very knowledgeable friends on here.

    Try not to worry about the Bone Marrow. I have gas and air when I have mine and its really not too bad with that. You can ask for sedation but I don’t think all hospitals give it–takes you longer to get over the sedation than the BMB.

    Wish you the best and hope it goes well




    Hi Mel,

    A warm welcome.

    i was diagnosed with smouldering myeloma around 3 months ago and am currently on a watch and wait programme but am trying to do want ever I can to remain at this level. I guess only time will tell here.

    As part of my diagnosis I also had blood tests, MRI scan, skeletal scan and then a bone marrow biopsy where the doctor said to me that I would find it “Uncomfortable” where she was very right. It did hurt and they did not offer me any sedative but did have the epidural injection or whatever it was they gave me.

    If I Need to have another BMB, then I will definitely ask for a sedative as I would feel far better having this. I am a man as and most men know, none of us are heros…

    May I enquire what your protein levels were?





    Thanks all for your replies.  I will ask for a sedative, but am worried they will refuse, even though I am on anxiety medication.

    Robert, I’m sorry but I don’t know what my protein levels are.


    Edit:  Phoned the Hospital today, they don’t give sedatives but ‘might’ allow me to have gas and air.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  mel_venus.


    Hi Mel

    I know that the bone marrow biopsy comes with bad reputation, but you shouldn’t fear it as the fear if it is much worse than the actual procedure. I say this as a veteran of the procedure (I have had 6 in the last 16 months). Having gas and air really helps calm the mind and once the local anaesthetic goes in you will only really feel the pressure as they push, t it doesn’t really hurt. You will be fine, seriously. I’m hoping to go through another 6 because that means I will be here for a long time. Good luck.





    Hi, as with everything it is very individual and also on how good the person is who does it. I have had a few and felt nothing when the specialist nurse did it – much better than having a filling – and I only had injections at the site of entry. When she left my consultant did one and think he was a bit mean with the injections as felt it – but not unbearable. The accompanying nurse said that no 2 people were the same and she had grown men screaming in agony and yet the procedure is pretty much the same. No other sedatives offered where I am until you have one and they see how you react. It’s quite a quick procedure so generally bearable – when they extract the bone can often feel like a cork coming out of a champagne bottle!



    It may not allay your fears but personally I remember little about my bone marrow biopsy except that I felt a slight a slight numbing ache. I may have been offered gas but I can’t recall. I don’t doubt that it may affect other people differently and my own ‘bugbear is having tubes put down my throat and any mention of it makes it in everyone’s best interest for me to be sedated.

    If you have concerns it’s best to make them known.



    If you’re nervous about the test, then get them to give you any pain relief that’s going – they shouldn’t make you suffer even in anticipation. I’ve had four so far – they aren’t pleasant, but they’re actually not too bad, and the nurse who gave them to me was very good, talking me through all the sensations.
    The only time it was really painful- the initial injection – was when my back was very sore and inflamed and I think they just thought I was making a fuss. I’d just got a crush fracture I found out later and it had affected all my back muscles. Next time if that happened I’d insist on more painkilling stuff.
    But really, the process isn’t too bad and it’s over quite quickly, and you feel perfectly normal afterwards Good luck.



    Thanks to all for your kind and reassuring words.  I will tell them at the hospital of my fears, and ask for gas and air, I guess that’s the best I can expect!

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