Testing for vitamin D levels

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Kazzam2 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi all, Not sure where I read it, probably the Myeloma Beacon site, but read about how MM people should be regularly tested for vitamin D levels – Vit D levels impact on bones/health etc. So I checked my blood results and I am never tested for it? Asked for it to be tested and turns out it was very low and am now on calcium/vit d tablets. I am not on bone strengtheners so all the more reason to up my levels. Don’t know if its just my hospital who never test for it (the article I read said there was very little testing for it and yet it is very important to us). Might be worth checking out….




    Hi Rebecca,

    That is interesting, I am not sure if my husband Phil’s vitamin D levels are still being tested but that was what lead to his initial diagnosis. He was diagnosed with low vitamin D levels and it was only when those levels did not improve and the pain (that we now know was bone damage) got worse that further tests were done and MM was found. Phil is on Adcal with Zomtea (bone strengthener) and I know the calcium levels are monitored but I am not sure about the vitamin D.




    I thought that vitamin d levels were checked at each blood test.
    I take a daily Adcal that includes vitamin D, and every three months have a calcium infusion.
    Tony F



    Hi all, I too take the Adcal and Zometta, not sure if my blood is checked though. At my zometta seesion this week I was told my sessions are to be changed to every 3 months instead of every 6 weeks. Usher (nurse) said this is good news, I will ask at my next clinic though.

    Regards to all


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Kazzam2.
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