
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Benz 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #93484


    Went to see GP yesterday about test results.

    Serum electrophoresis:

    Nothing noted

    Bence Jones:


    Suggested to be tested for these as igG elevated.

    GP turning results across to colleague who was registrar haematologist at local hospital.

    What should I make of these test results…if anything?



    Hi Scott
    Second post from me in as many minutes
    You need the Heamatologist ASAP
    My Doc went over my blood test & straight away sent me to a Heamatologist . My PP level was at 46 pre treatment
    He took what felt like several milk bottles full of blood & had me X rayed from scull to ankles
    He analysed every facet of the blood & churned out copious notes for my specialist who is now in charge of my treatment
    She in turn took a bone marrow sample from my hip , which was the confirmation that I had MM
    Press on , quickly !
    Kind regards




    I'm hopeful that these initial screening tests are positive news.

    The serum electrophoresis shows no evidence of monoclonal proteins.

    The Bence Jones shows zero detectable para proteins.

    Additionally I have no other issues at all apart from it looks like my immune system is a bit ott. I have had sore throat and chesty cough last few weeks but it appears to be clearing today….just back from a hilly 25 mile bike ride with my mate which included a nice coffee stop. No tiredness nor sore bones. Twisted back last weekend which meant some muscular tightness which is now going. Saying that the anxiety over last while has made my shoulders tense but that now seems to be going too.

    Only other issue is Achilles soreness which started back in Feb….skipping with my 6 year old Daughter. Sometimes Achilles still painful to touch so still some inflammation there.

    However who knows……no doubt more tests beckon unless my igG starts coming back down again.

    You take care and enjoy this weather whilst it is here!


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