Things are going wrong

This topic contains 17 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  janw 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi Eve

    Many thanks for the compliment. We've just returned from a family holiday in sunny Tenerife before one son returns to uni for his final year and the other starts his first graduate job away from home. We booked the holiday at the last minute because my light chain results are slowly increasing and are expected to rise to almost 1,000 before Christmas which will mean the start of more treatment.

    Have you managed to purchase the scooter for Slim? x



    Hi Jan

    You must be pleased to fit a holiday in if light chains rising,hope you did not worry to much on holiday about them:-(

    What will be your next treatment,and how are the family coping with it,wish I could tell you it's a blip,but with them figures ,you know the score,I suppose I should ask ,how are you taking the news!!! But women tend to worry about family.
    Also you have done exactly what I did hide the bad news in some ones post!!! Naughty girl,but I do understand why!!!:-S

    No scooter yet,I have to be able to fit it in a smart car with a dog!!! No not Slim he sits in the front !! Lol, also I have to be able to lift it in and out,we have more or less decided on a Whispa as the heaviest part is the battery at 11 kilos,so looking for a second hand one,but if we cannot find one will go foe new.
    Slim has a full. Body x ray last week,although he has had 2 before he said,he has never had one like this before,my daughter tells me it depends what they asked for!!!,but we know,if its hip replacement,it a no no as Chemo more important.

    Any way enough of taking over Vanessa post,sorry Vanessa,hope you feel a little better about things.Love Eve



    Hi Eve

    I just googled the Whispa scooter – it looks very neat and versatile. My aunt rented her mobility scooter for over five years from the local mobility shop at our shopping centre. She enjoyed the freedom which it provided to be able to motor around the local parks and shops, although she often used to complain that the shoppers did not appear to readily give her priority and move out of her way!

    I think Slim's specialist is being very thorough when requesting a full body x ray, especially as his last BMB readings were not particularly clear. At least you will be able to know whether there are any further hot spots in his bones. I would like to know whether my various lesions have remained the same or increased.

    With my light chain numbers steadily increasing over the last three years to around 800, I am realistic knowing my next treatment is rapidly approaching. However, sometimes my light chain figures have been erratic, therefore until I actually reach the figure of 1,000 my consultant states there is no reason to discuss the actual treatment which will be recommended.

    You are right in that I worry more about the family and how my cancer has affected their lives. My husband was particularly stressed and anxious during my last treatment, but as the carer it fell on him to look after the family and care for me. He was completely overworked, overwhelmed and exhausted during my treatment.

    Apologies to Vanessa for taking over your post, I should have started a new thread.
    Love Jan x

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