Transplant done :)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Well Geoffs transplant is done.

    He has his Melphalan 31 May and sent home on 12 June 🙂 🙂

    He has a follow up appointment on Monday next week to discuss how it all went.

    Glad this part is over.

    Good luck to Tom when you go in next week.


    Jacquie 🙂 🙂



    Hi Jacquie

    That was quick. Well done Geoff. Hope it wasn't too bad and that he gets up and running soon

    Best wishes
    Love Jean x



    Hey jacqui and Geoff,

    Well done you guys, phase 1 over….glad to hear Geoff is home…'s just a slow recovery from now on it 🙂

    Best of luck

    Vicki and colinxx



    Good grief, that was a real quickie, well done.
    Geoff must be tough old bird!
    Hope the remainder of the treatment goes as well.
    Tony F



    Hi Jackie
    That's great, think that's one of the shortest, hope he's happy to be home
    Love Helen



    Wow! Something to aim for! Congrats all round.

    I've just packed and ready to go in for early tomorrow.

    Well done Geoff.



    Thank you all for your good wishes. Although Geoff is home he is tired easily even a short walk makes him tired.

    Think Geoff's transplant went well due to his strength and fitness prior to diagnosis. He left hospital with a count of 6 they say once you hit 1 you can go but kept him 2 days after to be sure ok.

    Tom hope yours goes just a quick. One thing Geoff found was to ease his sore mouth he just used the old fashioned salt water mouthwash.

    will keep you all updated on his progress.





    Hi jacqui,

    Glad geoffs out of hospital…'s he feeling? How are you?

    Colin is still very tired now….he went back to work too soon. Tell Geoff to pace himself 🙂

    Hope you are doing ok. Mothas 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Vicki

    Been to see Dr Chown today she was very pleased with results so far and how quick it went. He is having his line removed from his chest later this week ouch! He tried a little weeding in garden with me Sunday but tired quickly. He wont go back to work for at least another month. I am fine thanks and I am working from home this week to see how he settles. I has a cold last week and guess what Geoff has it now:) Dr Chown took some swabs to be sure that is all it is he has no temperature.

    How is Colin doing these days? Maybe we should get together sometime when are you next in clinic?


    Jacquie x



    12 days and home that's great. They keep us in 21 minimum down here in isolation. You take care and dodge those germs and try not to do too much in one go.
    Well done and good health.



    Hi jacqui

    Glad to hear that Geoff is doing ok…..taking it step by step. Colin has a follow up appointment tomorrow at GRH at 1540, all that time to wait! It would be good to catch up. When are you next in? Tell Geoff to be careful about rushing back to work. Colin went back too fast. Even today he never learns. Had an MRI for back today at GRH, leaving home at 0700 am to beat the traffic, then on to work in Bristol. He's not back yet and he wonders why he is very tired and clapped out for a few days 🙂

    Hope tomorrow goes well, keeping fingers crossed. Do you see Sian Middleton every week for a follow up,at the LINC?




    Hi Vicki

    Sorry missed your reply. They. Do not want to see Geoff every week but every 2 weeks Sian is there at GRH EJU they have set up a transplant patients clinic on Mondays. Hope Colin scan went well Geoff is going to see Siam tomorrow afternoon to take his chest line out will let you know when we are going to EJU clinic as waiting appointment in post.





    Hi jacqui

    Hope geoffs glad to see the back of the line…Colin was. All went well yesterday. We were told bloods were spot on… too stressed, fell asleep in the chair last Night and I never do that!, 🙂

    Catch up soon, I think the general trials clinic is on a Wednesday afternoon so look forward to seeing you soon 🙂

    Vicki and colinx



    Hi vicki

    it took over an hour to remove the line went home then back to hospital in evening to have stitches redone! Next in clinic 4 JUly for bloods and consultation. Hope Colin is well.





    Hi jacqui

    Hope Geoff is doing ok, they had trouble getting Colin's line back out also! We are back in clinic mid August 2013, so maybe see you then. Colin is still v v tired 6 months on 🙁

    Vicki and Colin x

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