Isn’t it great to be off the drugs? Even though I had etoposide (high dose chemo) on 11 December and stem cells collected on the 23rd I still feel pretty good. But….all that is about to change as on Monday I will be poisoned with melphalan in preparation for stem cells returned on Wednesday. Not looking forward to being ill from the drugs again. If only they just gave you chemo but apparently I will also be given antibiotics, anti fungals, anti virals, anti nausea etc etc….not to mention possibly blood transfusions (which I have never had before) and platelets, neupogen injections to encourage white cells to grow….I guess they will jab my stomach with tinzeparan to prevent blood clots….aaaaaargh!! So enjoy your drug free intermission…long may it last! As you can gather I am NOT looking forward to the transplant game I have I play!