
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Carolsymons 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    think I’ve finally worked this site out!!

    Hi. Thought I would finally join and tell my experience. I was diagnosed with myeloma in August 2013 and started treatment in October. Started with the standard CTD. Had various problems the main one being massive weight loss. I started the treatment weighing 185lb and 6’2” and at my lowest I weighed 155lb. And despite eating some 3500 calories per day blood tests showed that I was malnourished. The main reason for this was that the dex was putting my resting heartbeat up to 90 and sometimes as high as 110 per minute when my normal resting heartbeat is around 60. I have completed 4 out of the 6 treatments and have started to experience some neuropathy in my right hand. My haematologist has now stopped all treatment as my protein levels have reached a level he is happy with. Next step see the SCT team. I have now not taken any drugs for 11 days and I am now feeling almost back to normal. Heartbeat is now back to normal and starting to gain weight. A full 7lb so far. And no longer experiencing the hungover feeling from the thalidomide. Metallic taste and mouth dryness have all gone. So it didn’t take long for normality to return. Now waiting for the next step.<br style=”box-sizing: border-box;” />P



    Isn’t it great to be off the drugs? Even though I had etoposide (high dose chemo) on 11 December and stem cells collected on the 23rd I still feel pretty good. But….all that is about to change as on Monday I will be poisoned with melphalan in preparation for stem cells returned on Wednesday. Not looking forward to being ill from the drugs again. If only they just gave you chemo but apparently I will also be given antibiotics, anti fungals, anti virals, anti nausea etc etc….not to mention possibly blood transfusions (which I have never had before) and platelets, neupogen injections to encourage white cells to grow….I guess they will jab my stomach with tinzeparan to prevent blood clots….aaaaaargh!! So enjoy your drug free intermission…long may it last! As you can gather I am NOT looking forward to the transplant game I have I play!


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