Treatment decisions.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  andyq 5 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    I have been on the Monumental 3 trial since January, however after an exceptional early response my P.P.s and light chains have now started to rise again, one of the treatment options that I’ve been offered is DT-PACE.
    Can I ask if anyone has had this drug combo and what were the side effects like?
    Many thanks




    Hi Andy ,

    I had DT PACE in November last year due to stopping responding to DARA VTD. It required an inpatient stay and a continuous four day and night infusion of the drugs. The worst thing I recall was the restriction of being attached to a drip for four days and nights. Usual side effects of chemo – hair loss ( 3 weeks later ), suppression of all blood cells so needing close monitoring after the chemo ( I chose to stay in hospital through this phase and was there for 2 weeks in total ) but generally side effects not major for me. I was given water tablets to make me pass water as they give lots of fluids with this chemo combination. Nausea is a side effect but I did not have this due to being given a lot of anti sickness medication.

    I recently had a SCT and that was more arduous but still manageable.

    Hope this helps.



    Many thanks for that, it has put my mind at rest and I’m swinging towards this option as opposed to going straight to Pomalidamide which was the alternative.

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