Treatment plan

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    Today I finally got my treatment plan which will begin on January 2025 it is DVDT for 4 cycles and then a stem transplant followed by 2 more DVDT cycles and then onto maintenance. For now I am just taking the steriods. I was also told my MM is Kappa light chain. Is this and the treatment plan relative to anyone else ? I was told side effects are minimal but of course everyone is different. My paraprotein levels have dropped again from 12.1 to 11.3 which is good , my consultant said she is only treating me now because I have bone damage in spine, sternum, and femur bones. Bone marrows shows 8-10% plasma cells. I would love any advice as I start this journey also to speak with anyone like me who is newly diagnosed. TIA xx



    I have been through exactly the same treatment over the last year. Side effects will be different for everyone depending on age, fitness, other medical conditions etc. Certainly the DVTD was not as bad as I anticipated. It tends to follow a pattern in the week where you’re fine on the day of the injections and the day after because you take lots of steroids, but as they wear off you feel more tired and lethargic for a couple of days, then start to pick up. With me it was fairly consistent so it helped me plan my life around it. I kept doing most things I was doing before but didn’t go the the gym on my tired days. The first side effect to hit was constipation (but for others it can go the other way!) so my my advice would be to take DulcoEase or equivalent throughout the DVTD from day 1 rather than wait for it to hit. You can adjust it accordingly (you will get this on prescription) . Some people get nausea. This wasn’t a problem for me but they give you anti sickness tablets in case you need them. a few of the drugs you’re on say they may cause anxiety and low mood. I was fine for 2 months, then in the third month severe anxiety and depression hit. If this affects you don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for anti depressants. They worked very quickly, but I’m coming off them now as I don’t need them. Key advice is to listen to your body. Rest when you need to and don’t get frustrated if you can’t do everything you used to. Try and do normal things, but don’t push yourself. The Stem Cell Transplant is another matter altogether. Again, for me, not as bad as I expected, but everyone will feel quite poorly for at least part of this process. I was in hospital for 2 weeks and a day. Only had 2 very bad days with sickness, diarrhea, lethargy etc but a few days before that was off my food. But I recovered very quickly. Appetite came straight back. I was tired for about 6 weeks and slept every afternoon but good after that. I am now feeling great. I’ve done lots of gardening and walking during the summer. Now that my immune system is improving after finishing the last cycle of chemo, and I’ve started to be re-vaccinated, I’m planning to go back to the gym next week. Everyone’s experience is different and you will probably get different responses on here, but I hope it goes as well for you as it did for me.



    Hi glenc,

    Thank you so much for the reply , I hope i can get through it as smoothly as you.
    I have been started on the steroids already and wow are they keeping me awake , last 2 nights 2-3 hr sleep and really achy legs.. I have bought some tonic water to help with legs and someone advised cbd oil to help with sleep. I have got my head around my diagnosis now and taking it a day at a time, I am happy the cycles are not starting before Christmas as i intend to tell my youngest children in January. Hoping to work right up to the Christie admission. Can i ask how many appointments you had there before admission, it’s a 50 min drive each way for me to get there that is why im asking. It’s good to hear you are doing well , are your paraprotein levels still at zero ? I was also told I wont need no more bone marrow biopsies or mri scans. although i do have one final one today as something as show up on my liver.. thanks again Sue x

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