Treatment slowing down

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dengilbert 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi everyone my Husband has just completed cycle 4 on CDT he was doing really well on 1st and 2nd cycles but has had a dramatic slow down since !!
    His last 2 readings of PP,s were 9.6 last month and 9.1 this month we are feeling a bit flat at the moment as he seems to have reached a plateau !! The Consultant won’t change his regime till the 6 months are up, just wondering if anyone else out there in MM land has experienced the same? I suppose we wanted another big drop to get him closer to remission, but I guess we will have to be grateful for a drop however small and be patient !!!???
    Best wishes to you all Denise xx



    Hi, Denise. I had very similar results on CDT. After 6 months on CDT I had plateaued. I was then put onto Velcade for a couple of cycles, with no further significant drop in P/Ps. I then started Revlimid, and 6 cycles later my p/ps are down to 4.1, despite several other medical problems. So don’t worry, be patient, not easy, I know. Hope my experience so far shows there is reason to be positive about the future, Jeff



    Thanks for your replies Lyn and Jeff appreciate them , when we went back to pick up his drugs for cycle 5 I happened to ask the Research Nurse if my Husband could go a day earlier for his blood test next month, she said he needs to go on the Thursday as we see the Consultant on the Friday, something to do with taking the Cyclophosphamide on a Wednesday and if he had bloods taken before Wed they would give a false reading!!!
    Now no one ever mentioned this to us before and thinking of it last time we went on the Tuesday and his readings of PPs hardly dropped so maybe that’s why ?? Has anyone else experienced this ??
    Thanks folks it helps to talk about these things to people in the same boat !!!
    Take care best wishes Denise xx

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