Trivial question

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Frances 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    After several months of chemo, my hair colouring is starting to look patchy. One of the nurses told me that as long as I use a temporary colourant – without bleach – rather than a permanent dye, I should be able to colour it. Has anyone any advice on this? I’m not really glad to be grey.



    Hi Frances

    My hairdresser didn’t want to dye my hair until all the chemo and drugs were out of my system.
    I tolerated being grey for over a year but felt so ancient that I took the plunge and had a semi-permanent colour put on earlier this year.

    I now have a root touch-up every 3 months or so and can honestly say it did me the world of good both emotionally and with my appearance. Feel and look 10 years younger!



    Hi, no-one ever told me not to dye my hair whilst on chemo so I continued as normal with lots of highlights throughout and it was ok – my hair was in very bad condition throughout the chemo but seemed to look ok with regular trims and….. anything about hair is not in the slightest bit trivial – 7 months post SCT with strange, alien unruly hair of a total opposite colour to my own takes up so much of my thoughts – much more than MM now!




    Thank you, Michelle and Rebecca. I think I shall sneak into the chemist and find a very gentle temporary colorant shampoo. My hair is very brittle and absorbent at the best of times, so I shan’t need to leave it on very long. Important to try and look good while all this rubbish is going on!

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