Hi Sarah,
Its heartwarming to hear that Henry seems to be responding well to his CDT treatment… it worked well for me (also Kappa Light Chain – 'Bence Jones' Myeloma).
I also had a couple of lesions on my head but CDT saw them off, leaving two small craters that my wife Janet takes pleasure in poking (so do I… like the equivalent of twisting kiss curls). 😀
Apply for your Blue Badge, it is extremely handy. I can walk unaided but tire easily (well, stiffen up would be more accurate… a result of a nuked vertebrae and bone damage)… and I also have Peripheral Neuropathy which is a literal pain in the foot (feet)… and on bad days I am extremely grateful to close proximity parking.
Don't be embarrassed, take every benefit going… like us, I am sure that you and Henry have paid your dues. If you are not sure of your entitlements phone MacMillan's… they are extremely helpful in such matters.
All the very best, stay positive.