update on henry

This topic contains 33 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi everybody
    Thank you all for your posts they have been a great comfort to me and Henry. Just a quick update. Henry started his 5th cycle on Wednesday and is doing very well. We had our first appointment at Churchill Hospital in Oxford and he will start SCT in January. The Consultant and Nurse were lovely and very informative. It was quite a lot of information to digest but I think we have got the jist of it. The most traumatic thing was finding the hospital and getting home as Henry is not a good passenger and my directions werent accurate and I got so cross with him…evenmore so when he pointed out that i hadnt done the ironing last weekend!!! We had a heated discussion when we got home and all is well now in the mckenzie home!But I did feel so bad at shouting at him. I suppose i shouldnt bottle things up and try and be superwoman…Next week Henry starts on 200mg of thalidomide as he is coping very well on it. So it will soon be onto the next stage (i had better buy him some PJS!). Keep your pecker up, as my dad says to me! xxx



    Hi Sarah and Henry

    Looking good that Henry is doing well on his 5th cycle 😀

    And Sarah Honest it aint no good holding things back, as I tell my Youmg Bride Elaine I might have MM but I aint gonna break so if it needs saying say it 😀 and she now does (should realy tell her i dint mean her to be this loud lol)

    Hope all goes well with the rest of the treatment and yes Buy more PJ's:-0

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Sarah and Henry,

    My wife Etta is going through the same thing at the moment but she's a few cycles behind you (just starting her third). She's finding it a bit hard going on the CDT treatment though as its leaving her very weak and she's sleeping lots.

    They've told us to expect 6 cycles before the SCT so I'll be keeping an eye on your posts to see how Henry is coping and what to expect.

    As the others have said, keep your chin up and if you feel like exploding just do it, you'll feel better for it afterwards!




    Hi Sarah,

    Its heartwarming to hear that Henry seems to be responding well to his CDT treatment… it worked well for me (also Kappa Light Chain – 'Bence Jones' Myeloma).

    I also had a couple of lesions on my head but CDT saw them off, leaving two small craters that my wife Janet takes pleasure in poking (so do I… like the equivalent of twisting kiss curls). 😀

    Apply for your Blue Badge, it is extremely handy. I can walk unaided but tire easily (well, stiffen up would be more accurate… a result of a nuked vertebrae and bone damage)… and I also have Peripheral Neuropathy which is a literal pain in the foot (feet)… and on bad days I am extremely grateful to close proximity parking.

    Don't be embarrassed, take every benefit going… like us, I am sure that you and Henry have paid your dues. If you are not sure of your entitlements phone MacMillan's… they are extremely helpful in such matters.

    All the very best, stay positive.


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