Hi All,
I just wanted to give an update on my Mum’s treatment in case it is of interest. She is 85 and was diagnosed in 2007 (PP 39, LC 10,000) followed by CTD for 10 months after which she had a plateau, she then relapsed and had Velcade for four months, then another fairly quick relapse took her onto Revlimid which didn’t seem to work much for her. At the end of all this her PPs were around 25 and LC 5,000 (LC have never got below 1,000). During all this time her kidney function remained normal, she had some blood transfusions but overall has coped very well. She had a break from any treatment from August last year until April when PP was 48 and LC 18,000 (!!) so she restarted CTD at quite a low dose. Now I was surprised at this as I didn’t know you could revisit a previous treatment but guess what, it is working and at her clinic appointment yesterday PPs after two cycles are 44 and LC down to 14,000. All other bloods are normal and she feels and looks quite well. She is to have two more cycles with a small increase in the thalidomide.
I thought this might be encouraging to others particularly older patients.
All the best to everyone,
This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by