Using digital to help others with Myeloma

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  danielbeck 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #121437


    Hello everyone
    My name is Daniel, I am a student at Bournemouth University currently studying Digital Media Design. My mother was diagnosed with multiple Myeloma a few years ago and is currently undergoing an intensive CTD treatment. While at first I felt a bit helpless in trying to figure out how I could best help and support her I have decided to use my final graduate project to try and help her and others who going through similar treatment.
    I am using a process called human centered design to try and create some simple digital tools which will be able to help people in their day to day life’s with myeloma, whether this is helping to better understand the disease or organise their lives to better cope with the symptoms of fatigue or to try and help with the many other difficulties is what I am currently investigating.
    This means that currently I am looking to speak with other people who may be willing to share some of their time and experiences from dealing with these difficult times in order to get a better grasps on how others have been affected by both chemotherapy itself as well as the cancer which it is treating.
    While currently the focus is on patients and families who have experience with Myeloma any one dealing with cancer in all of its forms would also be extremely helpful and hopefully add more depth to the research so that the finished digital tools can be expanded in the future to help others.
    If you would be at all interested in possibly helping with this project I would ask no more of you than some small interviews and also possibly at the later stages of the projects to test out and play with the software which is produced. All contributions will be kept confidential if you want them to be and there is no pressure to commit to anything which you would not feel comfortable doing.
    If you would be interested in participating please simply either private message me here or leave a comment below and I will get back to you ASAP.
    Thank you for your time.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  danielbeck.
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