

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  gian 4 years ago.

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    I’m due to have my jab against COVID tomorrow does anybody have any personal experience of having the jab and after effects.



    I’ve had my first dose last week ( Astra Zeneca ), very straightforward and no after effects of any substance. Second dose in April.

    My consultant on scheduled review said to me they have no data yet on myeloma/ Covid and said they are testing for Covid antibodies on next blood tests for patients who have had the vaccine. I’m 18 months post transplant , on Lenalidomide maint (10mg). Good luck with yours



    Hi Gian,
    Yes, I had my 1st Pfizer two weeks ago tomorrow. The experience was painless and to date have not had side effects whatsoever ever. I can’t wait for my second jab!.
    However, everyone it is different, as Myeloma is to all of us with this condition. Just a bit of back ground…. Diagnosed April 2018.
    I’m 2yrs and 2mths post Stem Cell Transplant (my own stem cells), in remission. and no maintenance drugs.



    Only yesterday I had my shot of Covid vaccine and this morning I only have a little discomfort in my arm. Bring on the second dose ASAP. I’m 3 years post SCT, on no medication and in full remission. My Paraprotein levels are zero so I am a very happy man. Best wishes to you and everyone else. 😀😀😀



    Thank you Robert for your prompt reply this morning, I’m really happy to hear you are doing well my SCT only lasted 2.5 years but they were good years like you say no medication a big relief. I will go for the jab in the morning and fingers crossed everything will be ok. Thanks again look after yourself



    Hi Rosary
    Thank you for your prompt reply. Glad to hear the transplant is working well for you. Yes,it’s early days and not much data around so it’s a question of us putting our trust in the advice given by the professionals.
    Fingers crossed



    Hi Cazzie
    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    You had the transplant extremely quickly after diagnosis I hope it keeps on working for you and gives you a good period of time away from the disease.
    As you say myeloma affects each one of us differently and I hope this jab tomorrow doesn’t differentiate too much.
    All the best



    Anyone have any feedback on vaccine whilst undergoing treatment? My husband had first cycle of VTD this week and due AZ vaccine tomorrow.



    I had my first (Pfizer) vaccine a week ago. I had a sore arm only for 2 days. I must confess I would rather have had the Oxford vaccine, but beggars can’t be choosers. I discussed with consultant prior to immunisation and was advised I must have it. Apparently there is research going on into how Myeloma patients react to the vaccine. I was advised that as I am over 4 years out after SCT without any treatment,my response should be ok, but this has yet to be confirmed. Hopefully, we all will have an immune response. Take care all and stay safe. Sue



    Hi all, had my AZ jab a week on Friday, I was instructed by my consultant to stop the dexamethasone(steroids)for two weeks post injection and my bi weekly treatment has stopped until the 24th of this month. I have felt lousy everyday with multi symptoms including erratic BP readings. At the time of writing I can only put this down to the vaccine jab. Unusual symptoms I am wondering if anybody else has a similar experience after the jab

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