
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Well after the bad constipation, another week stay in hospital and a blood tranfusion before being allowed out today.They have deceided to give dad ( Micky ) a treatment break for a another week, to give him chance to get a bit stronger. His para proteins today were 48, I know it's not good but having read some post it could be worse.

    His new word for MM is the DICK HEAD, lol, glad to see him in slighty higher spirits. Bit of his old self back. So making the most of some well earned Rest and Relaxation before the next lot of chemo.

    Tucked up on our sofa having a brew and a lush bowl of triffle fatten him back up.

    We will be ready for the next battle..

    Love to you all




    Hi Nicola good to hear your dad is home again and having a break from treatment Sometimes a short break is just the thing to get your strength back ready to fight the next round . I laughed out loud at your dads name for myeloma so tell him thanks from me for making my day ! Enjoy the time doing ordinary things together, the eating sounds good, especially trifle. love Bridget x



    Hi Bridget

    Thank you for taking the time out to reply, you would have laughed even louder if you had heard him refer to dick head in front of his consultant, think she thought he was calling it her lol.

    Yes break is def needed for all. He's had a rough trot since end of November, after was taken of drug trial because wasn't working, and went straight to velacade.

    Make sure your getting plenty of rest Bridget, you truly are an inspiration Bridget.

    Love and big hugs

    Nicola and Micky xx



    Hi Nicola,Micky and the "Dick Head"

    Love the name your Dad gave it lol, and am pleased you Micky are having a bit of a treatment rest we all need one or two of those in the fight of the "Dick Head" (could be a film name that lmao)

    Wish I lived near you all as that bowl of trifle sounds great (aint had that for years and years)


    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx

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