Velcade and me and possibly how…

This topic contains 17 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #90268


    Hi Sylvia

    Am pleased our words were of a comfort to you:-D.

    It wont be long before your glass is "Half Full" might even be today 😎 Pain must be a terrable thing to have day in and day out 🙁 me I only have a bit of discomfort on my right side, not sure what it is but Consultant tells me am still in remission so it looks like a visit to My GP and see what he finds8-)

    Week end nearly over hope you all had a good one 🙂


    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Thanks Tom,yes, mentally feeling a bit better today, helped no doubt by a surprise visit from our little grandson, Henry. Always sure to raise the spirits. Then sadly I came online to read the sad news from Gill that Gaye had died. I don't know how long ago that was but I am very sorry,she was such an inspiration to us all. Hope you had a good weekend. It was lovely earlier but has now come on to rain.Still that meant the cricket was tied meaning we win the series! Every cloud…. Love Sylvia



    Your More than Welcome Sylvia, and it always the mental bit that helps us.

    Yes its great to have the Grandkids visit we had two stay the night last nite (eldest sons son age three and middle sons son age six) Elaine and I are happy but tired lol.
    Its never good news when one of our Online Friends pass away, like you say she was an Inspiration to me as well as many more.

    Had a great w/end so far, joiner nipped in to do a bit more of our new kitchen 😀 nearly all done Thankfully8-) but here in Sunny Scunny its still shinning and the wind has dropped a bit 😀 as for the cricket or sport of any kind I dont do it :-S

    Hope the forthcomming week is good for you.


    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx

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