Velcade – On The Edge…

This topic contains 20 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Dizzyliz 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #97323


    Sorry Dai

    I got the gist of your post wrong and thought you wanted an exact outcome of the procedure (I shouldn't post so late at night:-/

    I hope all is going well Love from Gill xx



    That's fine Gill, I apologise if you think I was having a go – furthest thing from my mind. 😀 :-0

    We have what we have an we have to deal with it… I would just like to see a bit of humanity thrown in to the mix. The medical staff have to be so careful… they can be damned for saying too little as much as saying too much… and we know that they cannot afford to get close or personal. My idea would be to make the humanity factor part of the process… taking away the personal and making it a report on the progress of the disease and its treatment… clarification of the what, where, why. when… no more, no less… but what a bonus it would be for us on the receiving end.:-)

    As for posting late… sometimes I wish that I didn't post at all… especially when I let my head overrule my common sense. 🙂 :'-(




    BTW folks… feeling much better today… the PN is still on the edge and I am feeling shattered… but generally feeling much better than yesterday… the idea of 10 rest days is a misnomer… you do have a rest from the treatment… but not from the side-effects. 🙂

    After all this you just end up hoping that the way you feel is down to the treatment and its side-effects – and NOT MM… You hope so… common sense tells you it must be so… but… there is always a but.:-/

    Roll on Monday.8-) 🙂




    Hello Dai

    Just been reading today's posts and sorry to hear you've been feeling low, and can't begin to know what it's like
    On velcade. Kev's just 3 months post sct and getting lot of bone pain / really bad pn / and tired all the time, he is thinking
    Of going back on tramadol to help him get through the night, we were even thinking of emailing our myeloma nurse to see if like you say there are symptoms/ side affects and the best way to deal with, it's all frustrating and I hope you are feeling better quite soon, love reading you're post's Dai keep thinking positive.

    Love liz xx



    Hi Liz

    Gordon is 7 months post sct his second, he is very tired and has bone pain he takes no meds, but does take tramadol for pain Hope Kev improves soon it does ge better just takes time.

    all the best

    sarah xx



    Thank you Sarah it's all very encouraging I've told kev and it lifts his mood a little when I'm reading all the posts and replys,
    We just live in hope the next visit to clinic will be your in remission!

    Dai, Glad to read you are feeling much better today!

    Love liz xx 🙂

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