This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #104287


    Hi Everyone
    There,s me saying Slim has not had any side effects!!!!:-P

    Told you last week was not right,even stopped me going to London,didn,t want to leave him,just in case it was the start of something.

    Well here is a new side effect,way down the list,so all you men out there on Velcade ,take notice.Slim complained of not feeling right,plus felt if he had run a Marathon,never complains so I new it was not right,after questioning found out his private parts hurt(putting it nicely just in case I fall foul of site rules):-S LOL.Any way it seems they have more than one case of painful b—s.
    So beware,treating it as infection after scan very delicately done,by pretty girl with( wife in attendance ) she actually put that on report.LOL

    He is no longer walking bandy 🙂 Love Eve



    Ouch >:-( that's a new one on me (he says, cradling his… wooden desk). I had some of the marathon ones but never any testiculatory tenderness. I'll gladly pass on that. 😎




    Just thought I'd add a note to say Slim is not the only one — I also had "testiculatory tenderness", to borrow Dai's phrease, while on Velcade. Very painful indeed, and went on for a few weeks towards the end of my VCD.

    I think it must be quite rare though, because the experienced team of nurses at our chemo clinic had never come across it before (as a side-effect of Velcade, that is). Or maybe it's more common, but most men don't mention it…



    Hi John

    Yes it is way down the list of side effects,and as you say may be men do not like to mention
    It.Slims never been shy in that department.
    Once Slim had antibiotics he was fine,he started bad P&N after he came off Velcade,but when he came to Kings they upped Amitryptiline and now his legs are fine.
    Doing well at Kings I am having problems with the smell of sweet corn I feel it's invading my cloths it's so strong lol.Eve



    Hi Eve and slim

    Well I for one (as a mere male) feels real sorry for Slim and his cough cough problem.

    Onwards and upwards Tom xxx see the thought of it made me writ the end back to front lol xxxx

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