Hi Maureen
Welcome, may I first suggest Ellen Myeloma nurse on here can help,send EMail or phone.!!!
I do not know the chemo combination ,so cannot comment, I do know he should not be in pain,but you do not say what combination of tablets he has to help with pain,plus what damage he has in bones or if pain area is we're lesions were,so it's a bit hard to help.
My own believe is with an illness that causes chronic pain because of damage to bones,should be treated with strong pain medication until the area the pain is in can be treated.
I know when I have been in France it's hard to get non proscription drugs in any quantity at a chemist, so your first port of call has to be his own doctor,for pain relieve,if you consider it is Myeloma related then speak to consultant.
I hope Ellen can help you,let us know how you get on. Eve