Very swollen leg

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  debbieg 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    My dad was diagnosed with MM 14 years ago, aged 68. He heasn’t had any transplants but all the usual treatments over the years to keep him going.

    2 months ago his whole leg swelled from his foot (like a balloon) to the top and he was told it was DVT and has been treated for that. It has been very painful and he was told it could take 3 months to go back to normal.

    He then developed some lumps and shortness of breath. He’s now in hospital. It seems the MM is in his lymph nodes and there is a mass in his stomach. They are now saying the MM caused the swollen leg, not a DVT and the other leg is also swollen.

    He is having IV chemo and they are talking about radiotherapy, although the stomach mass is near his bladder so they have to be careful.

    My Mum has bipolar and is coping well at the moment but I think there will be some hard times ahead.




    Dear Rosie

    Thank you for posting on the Discussion Forum.  I am sorry that you haven’t had any replies to your post to date.  My name is Debbie and I am one of the Myeloma Information Specialists here at Myeloma UK.

    I am sorry to hear of the difficulties your dad has been experiencing.  I hope that some of his symptoms have been alleviated by his current treatments.

    If you have any questions, or would like to talk things through, please feel free to call the Myeloma Infoline on 0800 980 3332, or alternatively you can email directly to

    With best wishes

    Debbie Gardiner
    Myeloma Information Specialist

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