Voice Loss

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    I am currently in the middle of 6th cycle CDT and lost my voice about 8 weeks ago. I am wondering if this is a result of the CDT treatment. Has anyone else experienced voice loss during treatment?



    Hi Peter

    I didn’t actually loose my voice when I was on CDT, but I certainly noticed a difference. My voice got scratcher and not as powerful. Something I really noticed because I use my voice in preaching and was worried it wouldn’t improve. However, the good news is, it gradually retuned to normal when I finished treatment.

    Do hope you experience the same recovery. CDT isn’t a walk in the park and has lots of strange side effects. Loosing the taste for many foods was another I had, plus shingles. Watch out for that. However after 6 cycles My PP was undetectable and has remained so for over two years and counting, so worth it!

    All best wishes.




    Hi Mavis,

    Thanks for your response. It was interesting to hear that you had experienced a change in your voice whilst undergoing CDT treatment. What was your Doctor’s reaction to this? Did the Doctor recognise it as side effect of the CDT treatment or was it linked to the Myeloma itself? I am due to finish my 6th cycle in a weeks time and have an appointment with consultant on 6th Jan at which I am keen to get some answers on what is going to happen to my voice.

    Best wishes,







    Hi Peter

    I developed quite pronounced acid reflux symptoms during my first cycle of CTDa (attenuated CTD). My voice was weak and hoarse and my larynx was sore, often accompanied by a sort of acid taste in the back of my throat. Symptoms can vary from person to person, I also had frequent heartburn and a persistent cough.

    My initial CTDa meds included Omeprazole 20mg on the days I took Dexamethasone, to reduce the risk of stomach irritation caused by the Dex (Omeprazole suppresses the production of stomach acid). My consultant extended this to daily Omeprazole from the second cycle onwards, to treat the acid reflux. I also did some things I read are recommended if you have acid reflux, e.g. avoiding certain foods, avoiding large meals, avoiding eating or drinking within the 3 hours before going to bed, raising the head of your bed by several inches, avoiding tight clothes (I switched from using a belt to braces for a while). I can’t remember the exact timing but the symptoms subsided and stopped. That was about a year ago. After 4 cycles of CTDa I was switched to Velcade + Dex, had 4 cycles of this, then had a SCT in September. I’m still on daily Omeprazole but I wonder if I need it now.

    Best wishes


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