Waiting for an appointment for full body Xray

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  matthew2019 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hi `this is my first ever post so hope someone can help me. My wife had a bone marrow biopsy a week ago and after 5 days the consultant rang and said that as a result of the biopsy results he wanted to do a full body Xray to further explore her condition. The phone call came out of the blue so it wasn’t till he had gone that suddenly all the questions she should have asked came to late. When we had our first meeting with the consultant he said that depending on the results of the biopsy there may be need for a MRI nothing about a full body X-ray?? Any information would be welcome as the journey so far even though short has been horrendous for us both.





    Matthew, sorry to hear you and you wife are going through this , I am about 2 months ahead of you after a similar shock so my feedback would be you will know any diagnosis as a result of bone marrow test, scans ( mri and x Ray ) and blood tests… sounds like you are well into this and it is a difficult period whilst you wait for these results – one tip I was given which proved invaluable is to record your meetings with consultant ( ask them first ) and you learn so much when you listen back especially if they slip into the jargon. Myeloma is not straightforward to diagnose and you need all these tests to be done and they will all be helpful for you both to understand this and to ensure you get the right diagnosis which then determines your treatment …



    Hi Rosary many thanks for your advice as I am sure you will know only to well this part of the journey is very scary not knowing the definitive diagnosis and adjusting to a new way of living. I must say i have found this forum very helpful at this time and your help about the visits to the consultant is much appreciated

    Take care


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