Waiting for results for my 86 year old father …..

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi – my father is currently having tests – 86 years – recent decline in health over 4 months – feeling fatigued/no appetite/off his legs/very confused and depressed …. being treated with potassium and also for borderline thyroid. Is on Warfarin for AF and has history of osteoarthritis. Fell 3 times in a week – complaining of back pain and admitted on Friday. Has some anomalies in blood including inflammatory markers and kidneys not functioning as well as should be – CT scans and Xrays are showing stress fractures of vertebrae. He is now being tested for Myeloma. Was on assessment unit over the weekend and communication not good – he is very confused and fed up – would not have helped that had no hearing aid in yesterday. Has been moved on to a different ward so hopefully communication will improve now and Drs and Nurses are aware of his needs. I did not know what would be available for him was so relieved to find others in a similar situation and will be coming on here to catch up with you …. and will let you know what the results are ….



    Hi Sarie

    Just a quick welcome,
    Confusion is often a first symptom,once they get him on track you will see a big improvement.
    It could be a number of different things,but blood or urine first shows it ,if right test are done,bone marrow biopsy confirms it.

    In the mean time your father is in the best place for treatment. Good luck Eve



    Hi Sairi

    Welcome from me. Sorry it is such a hard time for your Dad and those of you watching him.

    Given his age, I would say as little treatment as possible, to make him as pain free as possible, is best way forward, but that's just my view.

    Lots of love.


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