Watford hospital

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  rosietheriveter 1 year, 4 months ago.

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    I’m moving home soon and will need to transfer my treatment, probably to Watford. Anyone got experience of the Haemo Day Unit there? And /or consultants?
    Rather than publicly naming them maybe message me!
    I’m not yet sure of the transfer proess(or how it might interrupt ongoing treatment) so if you’ve ever switched consultant and hospital let me know how it went. I’m hoping I can identify a consultant and my current one will then refer…..
    Oh and likewise Hillingdon hospital as an alternative.




    I might also be moving to the Watford area, 10 Mike radius. She would also be interested in any information



    Watford General were unable to take over my treatment from MKUH as they had ‘No experience of KRD and no capacity in their day unit’.

    Hillingdon hospital consultant was willing and helpful, but their pharmacy did not have the required equipment to reconstitute a powdered medication.

    As it turned out, KRD stopped working for me so I’m now in UCLH trying out a novel unlicenced drug. UCH is definitely the best alterative though depends on your transport links to get there.




    Hi Mike1. I have only just seen your post of last November and it seems events have rather overtaken it. I was only going to say that I attend the Helen Donald Unit at Watford, currently only for Zometa as I am in remission after 7 cycles of VCD. The only problem I have had there personally is that there is always a lot of waiting around. I was often there for 4-5 hours for an injection which takes 10 seconds. I wish you well with your treatment at UCH.

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