Weight loss


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kh0305 2 years, 8 months ago.

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    I am into month four of a 12 month clinical trial on chemo. My weight was steady (Probbaly somewhat overweight) until the end of May but have noticed that my weight has dropped during June by around 8 or 9 pounds. Has anyone else experienced this and is it anything to worry about. I will be contacting my trial nurse on Monday to check with her but thought I would float the question in the meantime. Many thanks



    Hi Barrettdg,

    My dad suffered quite a lot of weight loss when on Dvd treatment (over a stone) but this was due to sickness and diarrhoea side effects which you don’t mention having. I’d definitely ask your nurse about it. Dad always has his weight checked at his consultant appointments so they had a record of exactly how much he had lost and helped with dietary supplementation to help regain the weight xx

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