I know this is a trivial problem when you look at the world of Myeloma as a whole,
but I have gained just over 3stones. I have not got much of an appetite, so why is
the weight not going?
Typical Day: Breakfast bowl of cereal with a few sunflower seeds mixed in.
Lunch: Toasted cheese sandwich, followed by yogurt and fresh fruit
Evening Meal: This is where the problems lie. I never feel hungry
at this time. I can manage a Weight Watchers frozen
meal, mainly as it’s about the right size. Followed
by a yogurt and maybe some fruit.
I have been reading about this so called miracle diet of Raspberry Ketones and the results
look fantastic. I don’t know if I would be allowed to try it, as I am on MyelomaX1 trialing Revlamid.
Hope I haven’t come over as being vain. But I really do not like living in jogging bottoms and t-shirts. Please help me.