What is Complete Response exactly?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tw744 3 years ago.

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    Hi, by this I mean in the Myeloma UK handbook it says plasma 5% or less in the bone marrow, and no detectable paraprotein.

    For stringent complete response it says no plasma, no detectable paraprotein, and normal free light chain ratio.

    So from this do I assume for complete response, you don’t necessarily have a normal free light chain ratio?

    (obviously excluding light chain only myeloma in this question)




    Hi, I’m one of the Peer Volunteers for Myeloma UK and a myeloma patient.
    It’s a while since you posted your question and you have probably already found your answer elsewhere, but yes your assumption is correct.
    I would guess that the reason that a normal k/l ratio is not in the CR definition is that those remaining plasma cells, although below 5%, may be doing enough to put the ratio out of normal range.

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