What is the treatment for renal Al Amyloidosis and how to stop kidney failure?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  alamyloid 1 year ago.

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    My brother who is 66 years old has stage 2 My brother who is 66 years old has stage 2 Al Amyloidosis. He is currently being treated in India. He has been taking chemo drugs for 4 weeks now. The first three weeks, he was taking MYEZOM (BORTEZOMIB) 2mg injection and DEXAMETHOSONE 40mg tablet. Last week, his oncologist added EXDOXAN (Cyclophosphamide) 300mg tablet. Here is a summary of our concerns:
    1. His creatinine is increasing. When he came to India (15/02/2024), it was 1.7 and today’s blood test (18/02/2024) shows 2.9.
    How shall we interpret these results? The Chemo drugs should be reducing the amount of unwanted protein coming to the kidneys. Does it mean the chemo treatment is not working?
    2. His oncologist suggested dialysis but we want to try and avoid it as much as possible. How do we know when he must have dialysis?

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