What's next ?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rebeccaR 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    My partner was diagnosed in April 2014 with MM with kidney problems and bone involvement.  She is 57 and underwent 8 months of treatment with VCD. She has been off all meds and had a complete response and in remission since last November. She just takes Oxycontin for her pain and a monthly infusion of Zometa. We are on three monthly  reviews at the moment but are wondering what our options are at relapse now that Rev and Pom are going to be no longer available. An SCT is not an option.



    Hi there, At 57years old is there a reason why SCT is not an option? it can be done with kidney problems and even whilst on dialysis? SCT is npw our best course for a longer remission pre relapse. The usual option at 1st relapse now will be either find a trial with a combination of drugs or thalidomide maintenance and then onto revlimid maintenance when that no longer works or is stopped due to side effects. The problem gets much worse now when revlimid stops working. We are always optimistic and generally say there are lots of things in the pipeline and drug developments etc but pom was a big one of those and we all know that other new drugs come with a similar price tag that NICE don’t like so…?


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