Where is VGPR measured from?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  meganjane 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Another thick question from me that I’ve asked the consultant but am not sure I understood the answer.  If I get VGPR after SCT then I might be able to go for an allo SCT. But which figure do they take the VGPR from?  Is it the figure at diagnosis or the figure that my bloods gave prior to auto SCT?  Any help (in a simple way!) much appreciated.

    Cheers all




    Hi, I have always assumed, talking with the consultant, the VGPR (90% reduction or greater in blood and urine paraprotein) to be taken from measuring the figure at diagnosis with the end figure from treatment i.e. the SCT – and that the frontline treatment and SCT sort of counted as “one” treatment – if you see what I mean. Because some people SCT when they have achieved a complete response anyway from frontline treatment – to strengthen its depth. Must admit you’re making me question it now but I do think this right.



    Hello MM,

    I agree with Rebecca, my understanding is VGPR is measured from diagnosis. My husband Phil took part in the PADIMAC trial which was looking at delaying the SCT if a VGPR (90% reduction) was achieved after treatment of velcade-dox-dex. In Phil’s case his pp was 32 at diagnosis and was down to 5 after the stem cell harvest, as this was not a 90% reduction (VGPR) he then had his SCT. For Phil VGPR was achieved after the SCT but it was still his pp from diagnosis that was used to measure from.

    I hope that helps.


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