Whether to do a 2nd stem cell or not?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  GeorgeW 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Does anybody have any views on this my dad needs to have made his decision tomorrow and we still really do not know which way to go. Have any of you chosen not to do sct and go for the drug revlimid. Any input would be greatly appreciated x



    Hi George,

    This has got to be a decision for your family, especially your dad alone……Colin took revlimid when he was having induction treatment and he was very successful on it. I would just say listen to what the consultants say and your dad has got to go on a gut feeling

    Best of luck

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Georgina

    you know I cant answer for your dad but i can tell you what I just might do if I was offered a 2nd SCT First I would look at how long i got in remission with the first, and 2nd how good the alternative is Ie the drug only route, when i got better from my one and only SCT I said openly that I wouldn't have a problem having a 2nd, but now knowing that little bit more I would think about just the Drug Route, all that Said Georgina that is just for me and no one else, Vicki is correct its a decision your Dad will have to make with the help of his Consultant, its a difficult decision and my wife and i have had to make those hard decisions twice 🙁 the first when Elaine (the young bride) got told she had breast cancer in 2008 to make a long story short part of the treatment was Chemo or no Chemo ??? after talking to Elaines's Consultant we decided not to have Chemo and with no regrets in the future, Happily we have none as Elaine will be getting her 5 year all clear this summer and that was without the Chemo.

    Long Ramble am afraid Georgina and am sure it might have confused you even more and if it has I am sorry.

    Good Luck in your Dad's Decision.

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx



    Hi, thank you to Vicki & Colin and Tom for your thoughts. Dad is back at the hospital today having various tests to see whether he is up to the sct so will wait and see what happens x

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