
This topic contains 21 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 11 years ago.

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    Hi everyone.
    Just a little health update. I had a little trip that wasn’t planned last Wednesday. Steph says to me whilst watching tv “do you feel ok?” I said ” yes. Why?” ” you look a little flushed!” Out came the thermometer and it showed I had a temperature of 38.6! How did that creep up on me I don’t know! Anyway that was at 19:45 a phone and just over a hour and a half later I was sitting on a hospital bed in my own room. Bloods were taken and I was started on antibiotics straight away. Bloods showed I was neutropenic and I had a slight problem with my liver. My neuts 0.3 I’ve had some needles stuck in me in my myeloma journey but in the first 12 hours I was in I ended looking like a black and blue dartboard. I also had a X-ram and an ultrasound.
    I spent a total of 4 nights in hospital having numerous different antibiotics. I saw doctors galore from Prof level down to registrars. I did wonder if it was my time but that was probably down to me having to much thinking time. When I was discharged my neuts had hit the heady heights of 0.5 and I was given a bag of antibiotics as a leaving present.
    The strange thing about this episode is I’ve never felt “ill” no sickness, headaches etc. only feeling a bit tired but that isn’t unusual. I still feel ok now – though I’m checking my temp regularly.
    Anyway that’s my excuse why I haven’t been posting progress with Pomalidomide lately (that’s been halted temporarily) because the internet access was rubbish in my room.

    Every day is a gift.
    Appreciated even more by me now.

    Andy xx



    Morning Andy

    Yes as you know I stalk you on face book and at times on twitter (don’t use that one much) and I am pleased you are sorted this darn Mm keeps throwing unknown and unwanted infection at folk that have other things to be getting on with, those infections really should be having a word lol.

    Stay well and yes everyday is that gift, we don’t want it wrapped up too tight it’s hard to get to just in a loos bag that is Easley opened.

    Keep well my friend
    Tom onwards and upwards x



    Hi Andy,

    Well done Steph for catching it quick. Hopefully your pomalidomide will not be delayed for too long, will they wait until your neutrophils recover a bit more before starting it again?

    Phil is battling a bug at the moment as well, he has been given penicillin and his temperature has been behaving itself so no need for a hospital stay but it is frustrating, especially as we never seem to find out what the infection actually is. Did the various doctors come to a conclusion about what you had?

    I hope you are continuing to enjoy non NHS food 🙂




    Hi Andy

    Well done Steph ,I do not know if you keep a BP gauge at home ,but I find this invaluable ,Slim never hits a high temperature ,but his blood pressure goes down,and he is not confused,but there is something not right about him,I have learned this is a prelude to bloods not being right plus,his temperature spikes very quickly,I am talking 40 plus,I use to give him paracetamol but was told not to because like steroids,paracetamol can hide an infection,so always best to get the bloods done.

    I know what that feeling is like,Slim asked is this the beginning of the end last time,had a rigor as well,they just got on treating him,with out explaining assumed he could remember the ones he had in ITU,but he is still here alive,stubborn and fighting.
    So glad you are home keep an eye on those bloods,while you are having a few problems,may be you should have blood test done more often.Love Eve



    HI Andy
    sorry not commented for a while just managed to get on the site again Lucky you have Steph to look after you and they managed to catch the infection in time and the low nuets so you know what you are dealing with
    Keep well JO



    Hi Andy,

    Sorry to read about your hospital stay, hope everything will be sorted and your back on treatment, these infections and temperature spikes are always a worry and Steph was quick to act I would’ve done the same!

    Keep well love liz & kev xx



    Hi Andy

    Another hospital stay but Steph was good catching it quick. How long are you on antibiotics?

    Ian’s had 6 weeks of antibiotics for his back wound which will be finishing soon.




    Steph’s make fantastic wives and spotters. My wife is also called Stef and she always spots things before I do and knows what’s going on before most others. I’d probably be dead without her. So here’s to the Steph/f’s out there.




    Hi everyone.
    Well here I am it’s a week tomorrow errr nearly today now that I was discharged from my little stay as a guest of the wonderful NHS. I’m still feeling ok, though I was feeling ok before I was rushed of to hospital, and I take the last of my antibiotics tomorrow morning.
    I’m at the day case unit Monday for blood tests and a decision on when I restart my treatment will be made by my consultant then.
    Hopefully my Neuts will have increased a bit. Anything over 0.6 and I will be out and about again, carefully of course, enjoying our glorious weather and maybe enjoying a pint or two in the pub at quieter times. Got to keep away from buggy people.
    So fingers crossed I’ll be restarting my beers oops I mean my Pomalidomide in the next few days.

    Every days a gift.
    Beer or no beer it doesn’t matter 😉 much

    Andy – been carefully watched by Steph xx



    Morning Andy and (The ever watchful) Steph

    I bet its been a long week for you both ?
    I hope the Anti B’s have worked for you and those lovely Neuts have got to a point where you can restart your treatment.

    You can always get the beer in and invite those that aint Buggie lol.
    Stay well my Friend and Steph stay on watch young Lady

    Every Day is a Gift to us all and we are all onwards and Upwards

    Love to you Both

    Tom xx



    Hi Andy

    Glad you are feeling a bit better. Good old steph on the ball. Glad you are out of hospital and njoying the sun…..what sun! Fingers crossed for the next go at treatment 🙂

    Vicki and Colin xx

    Hey Tom, glad to hear your treatment is going good, are you supplementing with vodka:-)

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hey Vicki how did you know I drunk Vodka lol, yes it would be rude to stop at the moment as i feel it has helped in my remission lol.

    Tom Onwards and upwards xx



    Hei hei from Norway, we have just completed the first cycle of Pomalidomide-velcade-dex. Blood counts have dropped, extreme fatigue, extreme back ache. The blood counts controlled with infusions of platelets and hemoglobin. So far no white cell stimulating. Values down to 0.7 on the neutrophils.

    We used paracetamol 1 gm for the back ache and this helped a little but didn’t last long. Just tried ferezon-caffeine and this has helped the back pain a lot for the moment.



    Hi everyone
    I’m back on the beer whoops I mean Pomalidomide started again Tuesday. My neuts were 0.7 on Monday yeahhhh.
    Had my bloods checked Friday and my neuts were up to 1.2 which is high for me. So went out for a celebratory drink last night.
    I’m expecting my neuts to drop as I get further into my cycle but hopefully not so far that they need to reduce my dosage. When I was on Revlimid my neuts used to go down to 0.5 occasionally and never got much over 1.0
    No side effects to report – yet. It’s early days so I’m not counting my chickens just yet.

    Every day is a gift.
    I’m off to the pub when I’ve finished counting my chickens 😉 cheers

    Andy xx



    Hi Andy

    Good news. Enjoy your beer.


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