Whoops! 2

This topic contains 19 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  andyg 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #113621


    Sorry Andy

    Taking over post again!!!!women pirates.
    You can have a Dex fuelled rant lol.Love Eve



    Good evening me hearties.

    Eve – I have Slims problems with reading. It’s a nightmare. If I put a book down for a couple of days I have to go back over what I’ve read to recall what it is I’m reading! TV series are the same – so I record them now and watch them one after another over a couple of days instead of weekly.
    Oh I’m sorry it looks like Dex has failed me tonight I’m not in a rant mood – YET 😉
    I may even try to get some sleep shortly.

    No more fog and sex chat please. Hmmm the reads naughtily lol or is it just the way my mind works?

    Every days a gift.
    Made extra special with a little sunshine

    Andy xx



    Hi Andy

    I had a good sleep last night,Slim was a usual,up most of the night,but occasionally my body fails me,I make up for all the sleep I loose. It is the Chemo brain that causes,the inability to retain information,he can not do complicated crosswords any more.

    Has anyone said how the Pomilidomyde is working?????and how do you feel about it in yourself???
    Slims bloods have picked up a little bit,which is good he gets platelet support if it falls below 30 plus he has it before Velcade,and it is helping,got the bloods yesterday,holding is own in general,platelets 22,big trip tomorrow,getting use being in a traffic jam on the M25.

    Have a nice break in the lakes,will do you the world of good,but no hiking boots for you.Love Eve




    I use a Samsung tablet which is why my posts are sometimes erratic.


    We are staying at daffodil hotel if you want to meet up for dinner or a drink.




    Hi Eve.
    Not had any feed back yet about Pomalidomide. I suppose my next pp test will give an indication.
    I feel ok but the proof will be in the blood tests.

    Hi Maureen.
    I’m just packing all my drugs for the trip to the lakes tomorrow. We won’t get there till just after lunch tomorrow. So I suppose a drink tomorrow night is possible if that’s ok with you. I’ll have to check with the driver when Steph gets home from work tonight.

    Every days a gift

    Andy xx

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