
This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi all,
    I have been off CDT for 4 weeks. Some of my strength has returned, and I think the puffyness round my face and tummy is going,

    But I still don't feel right. I have felt tearful on a few occasions, and
    very tired. I could sleep for England the way I feel.

    I thought that when I came off the chemo I would start to feel fine.

    I don't start the preparations for SCT till September.

    Is this withdrawal I am feeling? Has anyone else felt like me?
    Sorry to moan, but you feel a bit on your own with MM.

    Love to you all




    Hi Tina

    I think the initial relief of finishing 6 cycles of CTD made me feel good to start with anyway, but feeling not 100% after just 4 weeks is quite normal. I had trouble getting to sleep at night and kept waking up every hour or so as soon as I stopped taking the thalidomide.

    Fatigue and tiredness is natural too. If you sit and think about what your body has just been through being bombarded with toxic mixes of drugs etc. no wonder it wants to shut down more often to get over it all!

    Take it easy but at the same time try and have a little walk regularly to stay active and keep you muscles toned.
    If you're in good shape just before your SCT it will make a difference to your recovery overall.




    Hi Tina

    Well that surly isnt your bestest moan?? and as for the weakness I went on sick after my second round of CTD and stayed of for a year I still dont feel a 100 % but am happy with that do as much as you can and rest your body has been poisoned with the drugs, still do as your body tells you and rest when needed but we do need exercice to feel less tired :-S ( i know what I mean?? I hope you do he he)

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Tina,

    Colin has been off treatment for about 8weeks waiting for SCT. He has been very tired at times (I put a post on about fatigue is this normal). I thought that he would have bounced back quicker but like the others have said your body takes a battering with this blunt instrument called chemo. Colins' tiredness has gone in peaks and troughs. Over the weekend he was very tired but over the last couple of days has really perked up….so based on our limited experience reckon that's normal

    Keep your chin up!

    Vicki and Colin 🙂



    Hi Tina

    I am just over a week over six rounds of CDT. I still feel very tired, especially in the evenings, but I'm glad to say I am sleeping OK, apart from toilet stops!!

    At least my taste is coming back, but, unfortunately, I am having problems with my teeth! Have been to the Dentist twice. If things don't improve I am going to have to be referred to the Dental Hospital because of the Zometa. My face is loosing some of its roundness, but my middle is still very bloated.

    I am working at getting more mobile, but battling against back ache which my consultant says is the result of lesions in my spine. I have the pain nurse coming next week to see what might be the best way forward. I think all the sitting down isn't helping my back or my feet and lower legs which are very tight and sore.

    I'm glad I haven't got a SCT to face, but send you all my best wishes for yours.

    You are right, it is a lonely path facing MM. I don't know anyone nearby who also has it and I haven't met anyone on my trips to the Chemo Unit – all sorts of other cancers, but not MM. I have just bought and read John Blackburn's book "Sense of tumour" which I found inspiring. I am going to be transferring hospital soon, (to Bradford Royal Infirmary,)to be seen nearer home, so maybe I will meet someone there.

    Hope things improve for you soon.

    Love Mavis x

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