Worried Sister

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  hissister16 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi everyone
    My Brother was admitted into Hospital 2 weeks ago with a platelet count of 792 ,white count 15 HB 7.8 he has anemia, Very fatigued, lost lots of weight, pain in his lower back and abdomen,pain killers don’t help,He is supposed to be seeing a heamologist!!,
    Today they are doing a myeloma screen? Do these symptoms sound like it could be,
    Up til now they said it’s constipation and he’s has cameras up and down and nothings been found, he had a problem with calcium and an iron transfusion please help C



    Hello Sharon,

    Sorry to hear what your brother is going through and I know how you must be feeling. It would be difficult for anyone here to diagnose myeloma or not. It is good that the various test are being carried out and soon you guys will get a definite answer. What I would like to add is that MM is a very individual condition and no two patients are the same.

    Please take it one day at a time and continue to provide the support to you brother. When I was diagnose I had none of the typical symptoms. But since diagnosis I have found out that my potassium, calcium, magnesium are all low, plus I am hypertensive. Now I am fatigued, shortness of breath, slight decrease in mobility and so on.

    I was only diagnose in the summer.



    Hi Adrian
    Thank you we are still waiting for results and an MRI scan



    Hi Sharon
    Sorry to hear about your brother. His lab results don’t quite fit with myeloma diagnosis as he has elevated plateles and white cells, although he has anemia, which is very common in myeloma. It could be something else (and less sinister such as increased production of platelets that then causes the other symptoms), but of course it will be soon found out with all those lab tests. All the best




    My husband had investigations due to constipation and was checked for bowel cancer. He too was anemic. It was a shock to learn he had Myeloma. Two years later he is still on maintenance treatment and doing quite well despite constant back pain which he has learned to live with and mobility problems which I think are exacerbated by a big weight gain.

    If your brother is diagnosed with Myeloma he’ll be started on treatment very quickly and will soon begin to feel better

    all the best



    The Dr said they are looking into multiple myeloma because of back pain and the low HB ,weight loss ,anemia ect some bloods have come back but not the ones we need
    They keep testing his urine and doing bloods every day



    Hi guys
    The Drs were so sure it was chrones, but he is is in so much pain and had a colonoscopy capsule which is now stuck!!
    So had a CT with dye
    His was diagnosed with lymphoma
    After being in Hospital for 4 weeks and back and forth to A&E /doctors for the last 6 months

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