Worst week ever

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    This has been my worse week ever since all of this started. My blood sugar has dropped since the Dex stopped and I've had to stop taking the Diabetic tablets because of the abdominal pain which was just too much to take. I have been absolutely wrecked for most of the week and only just started to recover today Sat but of course I start the 3rd cycle on Tuesday so it will be more of the same no doubt. The withdrawal symptoms from the Dex do play a large part in all of this but coupled with the diabetic issues it just makes things even harder. I've been very difficult to live with these last few days because of the pain I've been in, I know that,but I am doing my best to rise above it but it really is hard. I go back to hospital on Monday for blood tests and to collect my meds and again I will be asking questions. I was in contact with the Diabetic nurse Friday and she agreed to stop the tablets but did say a low dose of insulin is the likely next option. My Glucose level at the moment has stabilised but when I start up the Dex again then they will start to rise again. I feel good today and I'm going to make the most of the next two before it all starts over again.

    Best of health to all.




    Dear Keith,
    Sorry to hear about what you are going through.
    Is it possible for your doctor to lower the level of dex?



    Dear Keith

    Sorry that you are having to cope with the glucose discrepancies as well as the MM. Diabetes is a horrible complication I do hope your specialist can offer some helpful suggestions. It is hard to keep our spirits up when things are so difficult. Difficult for those around us!

    Hope things get better for you soon.




    Thank's Eva/Mavis for your replies. It seems a long time since I've actually felt healthy. Thursday night I had terrible pain in both my legs from the knee down to my feet. It came on all of a sudden and I could not bare to move. I had a drink of tonic water and took a magnesium tablet and it settled down after around 15 minutes and no problem since. This is going on for far too long and I'm determined to get some answers from the medics on how the side effects can be better controlled.




    Hi Keith
    sorry you are feeling so unwell, When I was first diagnosed i was already a type 11 diabetic but very well controlled only two small tablets a day as soon as dex kicked in it was insulin for me as it shot the sugars though the roof coming of of dex and a sugar high feels like the worst thing going but the insulin did help control it a bit, because i take a small dose of steriod now for my kidneys i have stayed on the insulin i manage ok just a small dose am and one pm it seems ok you just have to remember to take a sugary snack out with you incase you go a bit low so you may feel better with the insulin not the tablets once you are off the steriods completly things may settle down again and you could be back to normal
    Hope you feel better soon
    love Jo x



    Thank's for that Jo and I certainly hope you are right. I see the diabetic nurse Monday when I have my bloods checked before starting the 3rd cycle. at the moment I take 160mg per week for 3 weeks of each cycle with 4 days rest in between and Revlimid for 21 days consecutive with 7 days rest from everything before starting the next cycle. This will be for 4 cycles then the Dex will be 160mg for the first 4 days of the cycle and nothing more. This will be far better as my body will have time to recover which at the moment it does not which is why I feel constantly ill and the Diabetes just makes it worse.

    Take care Jo and stay well.




    hi keith
    I can only buit sympathise I also have had rough few days and this is only my 10th day of treatment. Had quite a few side effects along with contstipation chronic back pain and my head feels like it is on fire. I just hope and pray that I only have to have the minumum course of treatments before stem cell transplant. God give me strength.



    Dear Keith
    It's a rough ride you are having with this, I don't know how I'd feel about it. 🙁 but there is evidence that this works quite well in slowing the disease down. Hopefully, after month 5's reduction in the dex you will stop the diabetes complications and pick up a bit, I do hope so. Hang on in there.
    Love Helen



    Hi Keith

    Sorry you have had a bad time, its a shame that what makes us better also makes us ill :-S the sooner the side effects can be sorted out the better.

    Stay Well and Fit enjoy the days before dex

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Been to hospital today to collect the 3rd cycle of meds. Will be going back on Wednesday for blood transfusions 2 packs. This should rejuvenate me so at least I will have a little more energy. Latest blood results as follows. Hb:7.6 WBC 1.8 Plts 45 Neuts 0.8. These figures are the lowest ever and the reason I have been no better during my rest period.



    Dear Keith,
    No wonder you've felt bad. I hope the blood helps you feel better immediately.



    Hi Keith, well am sure the bloods will sort you out, think all us MM ers like Vampires always wanting Blood lol.
    Shame they couldn't give you bloods today get that kick start in sooner.

    Keep well and rest till the vampire food is given 😀

    Tom "Onwards and upwards"

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