Yes it has bombed

This topic contains 8 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi guys
    Had bloods taken today and also managed to see my Consultant. PP's now up from 28-55 says it all Hb (7.5) Neuts (1.0) Plts (14) so it's official Bendamustine is dead long live Bendamustine.The Doc did say that my Marrow has just about had it after all the treatments I've had 3 relapses all inside a year shows that the treatments are no longer working. I'm now starting CDT tomorrow but not before yet another blood and platelet transfusion,so another all day session on the ward…Happy days are hear again!!! so I battle on well we have to don't we?

    Good health to all.




    Dear Keith,
    I'm really sorry to hear what's happened. I don't know if this is applicable to you, but if your immune system is very suppressed, can you receive intravenous immunoglobulins?
    Let us know how the CDT is going.
    Very best,



    Hi Keith,

    I don't know where to start really…

    Yes, you, we, have to press on and try to stay positive while ever the medics offer treatments… CDT may well provide a good bit of breathing space… it worked miracles for me first time round.

    I realise the implications of your consultants remarks about your bone marrow but it may well stand up to the efficacy of CDT and even be strengthened by it.8-)

    Good luck with your blood and thunder infusions tomorrow… I noted that your Nuets are up a little, that's something.;-)

    I'm feeling reasonably okay after my 2nd infusion Cycle1… but it's very early days yet… and I had 2 relapses in a year (January and December 2012) so I'm hoping for some grace and space from Bendamustine. Apart from my WBC and Nuets dropping to 3.4 and 1.2 respectively (consultant says its due to the treatment) the rest of my bloods are okay, so I'm hopeful and feeling positive (genuine feeling, not just enforcing my mantra) but the first results back in just over a fortnight's time will give the first indications… so my objective is to stay infection free, work on my novel like there's no tomorrow 😀 and enjoy my appetite and Janet's company in relative limbo.8-)

    Keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing.:-)





    Dear Keith
    Like Eva and Dai I'm really sorry to hear this, I hope CDT offers you some space.
    And Dai it's good to hear you are handling the bendamustine well enough to get your writing done.
    Love Helen



    Hello Keith,

    Early riser this morning so thought I'd pop in and catch up with what's happening, so sorry to hear bendamustine
    As not worked for you. Here's hoping that CDT works for you, kevs back in hospital again! Pneumonia which as
    Knocked him for six but hopefully turned the corner and might be home in a couple of days ( hence the reason I'm
    Up early) so Keith I'll be popping in when I can to see how you are doing, you keep well!!!

    Love liz & kev xx



    Hi Keith
    gutted for you re the bendamustine, so its out with the new and in with the old. CDT can be very effective and I really hope it works for you. Take extra care not to avoid infections (hard when you are in hospital all the time) and look after yourself.




    Hi Keith

    sorry to hear the treatment hasnt worked CDT worked really well for me its a much gentler regime so it may really suit you Thadidomide is a bit of a wonder drug it gave me 3yrs 6month remission and not too many side effects just a bit of Pn which wasnt so bad it also gives you a bit of sleep at night even with the DEX I got at least four hours my bloods held up and i didnt get many infections which was a real bonus we are all thinking of you all your cyber friends I will say a prayer for you a big
    Warm (((hug))
    Love Jo x



    Hey Keith
    You know am sorry it never worked 🙁 you have been through the mill with it.

    I hope the CDT works for you, just to let you know it was my first attack on mm was that and it put me into remission, I hope it works the same for you.

    Good Luck with it.

    Tom Onwards and Upwards




    Sorry that latest set of treatments hasn't worked. What a b! Still as the other have said there's the old treatment. To have a go at it! You try and keep your chin up, this mm can be persistent cant it, but you keep going because where there is treatment that means a big hammer to knock this mm on the head 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x

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