Zometa and dentistry

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  petesilver 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    I have to have a tooth extracted and I have zometa infusions every month. Has anyone got any positive experiences of this? (No horror stories, please)



    Hallo Frances
    When I was first diagnosed with mm my consultant gave me a paper with guidelines for my dentist. A couple of years ago I had an infection in my jaw and took the precaution of going off the bisphosphonate for three months before the dental treatment. Before you go for treatment I would check that your dentist is aware of the risk of osteonecrosis. I certainly do not want to take any risk of getting it.
    Wish you well with your extraction



    hello Frances,

    I am also on Zometa and currently undergoing com dentistry but only fillings, I know that anything that involves the jawbone (ie extractions) have to be done at the hospital dental dept. Most dentists know this and if you are on Zometa and tell you. If this is the same for all hospitals i dont know So I would speak to your myeloma nurse or consultant before doing anything.



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