Alix replied to the topic Running an Ultra-Marathon for Myeloma… in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago
Hi Eliz,
Snow, Ice, sand, rocks, grass, surfaces I wouldn't even know how to describe 🙂
I have put some pictures up:
Alix replied to the topic Running an Ultra-Marathon for Myeloma… in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago
Just wanted to say an unbelievable thank you for those who have supported the donation page. I completed the Ultra-Marathon on Saturday 14th and have updated the JustGiving page with the relevant information and with a link to pictures from the event.
Thanks so much once again!
Alix replied to the topic Running an Ultra-Marathon for Myeloma… in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago
Thank you for your support and donation Elizellen, massively appreciated!
Alix replied to the topic Running an Ultra-Marathon for Myeloma… in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for your kind words Andy, I am extremely sorry to hear that Myeloma eventually cut short your running career. All we can hope for is that with raised awareness and funding that we can eventually get to a stage where there are better treatments available. My Dad was unable to have the stem cell transplant having failed the harvest on…[Read more]
Alix replied to the topic Running an Ultra-Marathon for Myeloma… in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago
Just wanted to say an unbelievable thank you anyone who has donated. There are a couple of names that I do not recognise on the donation list, one with an unbelievably generous donation.
Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot!
Alix started the topic Running an Ultra-Marathon for Myeloma…. in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago
Afternoon guys,
Just over 12 months a go my Dad was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and have spent the last 12 months going through the turmoil of coming to terms with it. It has spurred me on to do something in a bid to raise money for Myeloma UK.
The details of what I am doing are on that page but…[Read more]
Alix replied to the topic Best place for treatment within the UK… in the forum Treatment 13 years, 9 months ago
Thankyou for all your comments, they are hugely appreciated.
Badger, thankyou for the name, we are already in the process of drafting an initial email to Dr. Kwee Yong on the back of your advice, with a view to getting a 2nd opinion and on the best course of treatment.
Angelina, It's actually for my Dad who in the last 4 weeks has been…[Read more]
Alix started the topic Best place for treatment within the UK…. in the forum Treatment 13 years, 9 months ago
I wonder if you guys can help me. I have been searching the internet the last few days for information on a hospital within the UK that is widely regarded as a successful centre for treating Myeloma, but unfortunately all I have come across is recommendations in the USA. I live in the West Yorkshire area however travelling isn't an issue…[Read more]