Hi Eve!
We actually don't have much snow – your husband would be disappointed! We have mostly wind and rain 🙁 However this year, I am happy for the miserable summer – I guess it would be much worse for John if it was very hot.
John also received Velcade as first line treatment prior to his first sct. Prior to the second he got thalidomide. I don't know about trials in Denmark – I guess I have read everything which is available onlie on the topic myeloma in Denmark, (a lamentably little amount)and there was nothing on maintenance with Revlimid.
Has the trials with Revlimid been stopped in England after they withdraw the application? How easy is it to get Revlimid maintenance in the UK?
I plan to call Celgene to ask what happened – I have called them before and there was a nice and helpful guy. My impression is that in this case it is not the pharmaceutical company who is the "bad guy", but the authorities. Sure they have to be cautious, and sure Revlimid is toxic, but remember it is given to patients suffering from a incurable disease for whom 1.5 year means a lot and long term side effects mean less. And Revlimid IS used already for relapsed patients – it is only as maintenance (low dose) it is not given.