Dai, that is correct. He is much older than me and a kind of second father. He has a family but for some reason I don't know they don't take part in his consultations and they don't know much about the disease. I have had the thought if I should offer to join him, but it could be a bit awkward. On the other hand he shares all the information he gets with me and he did that since he was diagnosed. It is difficult.
Today we got a bit more of information.
The M component had rised from 1.3 to 2.6. The doctor describes the disease as "slumbering" and he says they won't do anything until it has passed 6.0, which he says might take a couple of years. How he can say so I don't know. It was 1.3 this spring and now it has doubled 🙁 But of course I hope he is right. Does it sound reasonable?
It surprises me because John is doing so extremely well – much better than all the other patients he meets when he gets the Aredia drop each month and much better than most patients I have read about. He works full time or almost full time and he is cutting trees in the garden.